Blood shortage: A major crisis brought by the Corona Pandemic.

Facing the challenges brought by the Corona pandemic . There are many challenges that have been brought to light by the corona pandemic. Today I would like to address one of them, blood shortage in hospitals. This crisis was in place even before the pandemic hit Uganda. As shown below This was in January before the country was put under lockdown. With the lock down and closing of schools and other measures, it became hard for facilities to collect blood as they usually did this in gatherings, schools, which where all banned for reasons best explained during the president's speeches. This is after the country was hit by the pandemic This is what hospitals are facing due to the Corona pandemic situation. As an active citizen, I took the initiative to go to Nakasero blood bank to donate blood and be part of the struggle to curb this crisis. While there I got into a discussion with the health worker attending to me and he told me some good things that c...